C1974a-b | C1974c-d |
C1974e-f | C1974g-h |
C1974i-j |
Issue | Animation Hero and Heroine Series III "Galaxy Express 999 (three nine)" |
First Day | 1 February 2006 | |
Quantity | 1,000,000 sets | |
Values | 80yen x 10 | |
Designs | C1974a: Departure, Tetsuro | C1974b: Departure, Maetel |
C1974c: Claire | C1974d: 999 Conductor | |
C1974e: Furaiya and Maetel |
C1974f: Tetsuro and Moriki Yutaka |
C1974g: Emeraldas and Count Mecha |
C1974h: Herlock | |
C1974i: Farewell and Departure, Maetel |
C1974j: Farewell and Departure, Galaxy Express 999 |
Size | 28.05 x 33.50 mm | |
Printing | Offset in 6 colours | |
Shee | 10 stamps (2 x 5) sheet | |
Printer | Cartor Security Printing |
[Note on the Stamps]
"Galaxy Express 999 (three nine)" was oroginally a serial animation
program on television from September 1978 to March 1981. To gain a mechanical
body, Tetsuro travels the universe by the Galaxy Express 999 with Maetel,
a mysterious woman.