Ryukyu Dance

IssueRyukyu Dance "Kanayou-amakawa"
Date of Issue14 May 1999 (Heisei 11)
Denomination80 yen
DesignRyukyu Dance "Kanayou-amakawa"
Quantity 8,000,000 copies
Image Area22.5 x 33.0 millimeters
PrintingPhotogravure in 5 colours
Sheet20 stamps (4 x 5)
DesignerChinen Hideyuki
Sold atPost offices in Okinawa, and
the appointed post offices
(see the menu page)
First Day of
Issue Postmark
Naha Central Post Office
Catalog No.R310

Ryukyu Dance, Pane

IssueRyukyu Dance "Kanayou-amakawa", Pane
Price800 yen (80 yen x 10)
Pane Size51.0 x 190.0 millimeters
Pane10 stamps (2 x 5)
Catalog No.R310P

Japanese Stamp Specialized Catalog & SAKURA Catalog numbers are adopted.

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(Small Notes for the Issue)

R310: There are two forms of traditional dance in Ryukyu (present Okinawa): the court dance, which originated to entertain the Chinese diplomats and the popular dance. The stamp depicts one of the latter entitled "Kanayou-amakawa," showing a pair of lovers flirting around a spring.