
July 25, 1946 Established
June19, 1982 Authorized as General Interest Incorporated Foundation
July 25, 1946 Authorized as Pubulic Interest Incorporated Foundation


áJapan Philatelic Exhibition <JAPEX> (Since 1966)â

JAPEX is the biggest national philatelic exhibition in Japan, held annually in November since 1966 in Tokyo. Exhibitions of the competitive classes are examined by the JAPEX jury in accordance with the strict regulations, almost equal to the FIP standards. Winners of the vermeil medals or higher at JAPEX are entitled to apply for the FIP International Philatelic Exhibitions. At the exhibition venue, there are a temporary post office, booths of foreign philatelic agencies, stamp dealers, and JPS Study Groups that every visitor can enjoy . Every year, the venue is crowded with enthusiastic stamp collectors and their families.

áContest of Postal Subject Studyâ (Since 2012)

"Contest of Postal Subject Study" is an Art & Research contest held during summer holiday to which all elementary school students can freely participate. The categories are Stamps and Scenic Cancellations. Exhibition and award ceremony will be held in the stamp museum. It is a good assignment project for school holiday.

áSTAMP SHOWâ (Since 1977)

Stamp Show held for three days during the Golden Week in Japan (29 April to 5 May) is a festival and funfair of stamp collecting. In the event, there are frames showing "Four-Leave- Exhibit," which is non-competitive exhibition of philatelic material in any theme. There are also booths of stamp dealers from home and abroad, many enjoyable events and stands for refreshment vendors , Many people enjoys their time there.

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