Railway Ibara Route Opening


IssueRailway Ibara Route Opening
PrefecturesOkayama and Hiroshima
Date of Issue11 January 1999 (Heisei 11)
Denomination80 yen
DesignRailway Ibara Route
Quantity 6,000,000 copies
Image Area22.5 x 33.0 millimeters, vertical
PrintingPhotogravure in 5 colours
Sheet20 stamps (4 x 5)
DesignerMori Masatoshi (Oil Painting Artist)
Sold atPost offices in Chugoku, and
the appointed post offices
(see the menu page)
First Day of
Issue Postmark
Ibara Post Office
Catalog No.R262

Railway Ibara Route Opening, Pane

IssueRailway Ibara Route Opening, Pane
Price800 yen (80 yen x 10)
Pane Size51.0 x 190.0 millimeters, vertical
Pane10 stamps (2 x 5)
Catalog No.R262P

Japanese Stamp Specialized Catalog (JSCA) & SAKURA Catalog numbers are adopted.

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(Small Note for the Issue)

Railway Ibara Route Opening

R262 and RP111: Railway Ibara Route connects Soujashi in Okayama with Kan'nabechou in Hiroshima, via Kiyoneson, Mabichou, Yakagechou, and Ibarashi, for 41.7 kilometers. As the route for passanger trains from south area of Okayama and Bingo area, the railway is open on January 11, 1999.